DIY Semi Truck Pinata

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My little man turned 3 last week! His favorite things in the world right now are semi trucks and trailers. We threw him a little party and wanted him to experience the classic party pinata.

However, the only semi truck pinata I could find was online. I didn’t want to pay for shipping and even with a few weeks till his party, it would be cutting it close to get it in time. So, I made my own! Continue reading “DIY Semi Truck Pinata”

Van Versus SUV

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I never wanted to drive a van. In fact, I was so entirely sure I wouldn’t that I just laughed when my then fiancé told me I wasn’t allowed to ever have a van. (To be fair, I had just told him he wasn’t allowed to have a motorcycle. It was our deal.) Continue reading “Van Versus SUV”

Losing the Weight Without Depriving Myself

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Throwback to when I lost nearly 40 pounds in 9 months! Now, after two babies and barely any weight loss between pregnancies, I’m trying to lose weight again. I’ve been struggling to stay motivated, but I’ve done it before, so I know I can do it again. Continue reading “Losing the Weight Without Depriving Myself”

G-Tube Mistakes

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I was a little overwhelmed taking my son home from the hospital four days after his G-Tube was placed. Not only was I worried about taking care of the tube site and feeding him with a pump, but he was 5 weeks old, less than 6 pounds, and had spent his whole life in the NICU.

I was bound to make a few mistakes. Here are just a few that maybe someone can learn from:

Continue reading “G-Tube Mistakes”

Mirror Framing Tips

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When my husband and I were looking for a house, I loved imagining all the things we would change from paint colors to the fire pit in the backyard. I’d always wondered why people didn’t just make all the changes they wanted. I quickly learned that owning a house, working, having kids, and a million other things make all those fun projects take a backseat. Continue reading “Mirror Framing Tips”

Our Top 5 Baby Products

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Like most parents, when I had my first baby, I wasn’t sure what I would really need. I had an idea, of course. I had expectations of what would be the most helpful. I also had things I flat out wanted to have just because.

Now a few years and two kids into this mom thing, I have a better idea of what I, personally, use most. Here are a few ideas if you are trying to decide what is worth getting: Continue reading “Our Top 5 Baby Products”

Decreased Fetal Movement: My Story

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Despite a constant nagging that something was wrong, I had a pretty normal pregnancy. Everything that worried me turned out to be nothing. I thought it was a tubal pregnancy. My 20-week ultrasound showed concerns about the baby’s stomach. I was completely convinced I had gestational diabetes. I am a worrier and everything seemed like a major concern. My midwife even commented at pretty much every appointment that I just looked worried. Continue reading “Decreased Fetal Movement: My Story”