The Two Products That Have Me Finally Taking Care of My Face

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I guess I wasn’t the typical tween girl obsessed with makeup and hair and shaving my legs. For the longest time I only wore base. Maybe a little eye shadow here and there. I did streak my hair blond every 4-6 months, but I didn’t do anything fancy with it. I never blow dried it and didn’t even try straightening or curling it until my senior year of high school. And I know for a fact I was way behind on the whole shaving my legs thing. I had friends who shaved for over a year before I even started worrying about it.

Continue reading “The Two Products That Have Me Finally Taking Care of My Face”

What I Learned From 13 Years of Dance

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I am a big believer in children participating in extracurricular activities. I can’t wait to start my boys in soccer, karate, football, or swim. Maybe they’ll play an instrument or be in a club in school. Whatever they do, I hope they learn as much as I did as a dancer.

Continue reading “What I Learned From 13 Years of Dance”

My All-Time Favorite Amazon Orders

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I love ordering things online! It’s twice the excitement as shopping in a store because I get to enjoy picking something out and then getting it in the mail!

On the other hand, I am picky about what I’m willing to pay shipping for, so I only order things I’m fairly sure I’ll like. I thought it might be fun to share some of my favorite Amazon buys from the last two years or so.

Continue reading “My All-Time Favorite Amazon Orders”

New Year, Same Me

I had a lot of lofty goals for this year. Like so many of us, I was imagining what this year would be and how it would be “my year.” I planned for all of December. Wrote out lists. I decided to goal plan by month to make it more manageable. I was excited and nervous to tackle this year. But midnight on New Years’ is not some magical time when everything changes.

We’re three days in. How many people have broken their resolutions?

I honestly kind of hate how everyone has this strong opinion about making resolutions or not or being able to start any day. It’s all very motivational, but for some reason it’s gotten on my nerves this year. Everyone is pushing all the dozens of ways to be better.

Start today. Be better everyday. It only takes a moment to change your life. Just one decision.

Yes. But you want to know what my new resolution is this year?


You see, I have goals. I have plans. I want to change my life and “start today.” But I have been constantly feeling this need to do everything right now and be the best at all my goals. Yet I can barely keep up with my housework and struggle every minute of every day to handle my kids’ whining and demands and to keep them entertained.

Once I decided early in the morning on January 1st to just survive, I felt relief. I don’t have to feel like a failure all January whenever my plans don’t go perfectly. And you know what? I can still have goals and plans. I can’t say that I worked out every single day of 2019 or that I never got on my phone in front of my kids in 2019 or that I never added any debt in 2019 for any reason.

My resolution isn’t even to do my best. I always feel like I could do better no matter how good I do. So I am going to do what I need to do to get through each day. I am going to deal with my depression, keep the house running, keep up with my kids’ as best I can, and I’m going to survive.

A Letter to My 13-Year-Old Self

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I like to listen to the radio when I take my son to preschool in the morning. Usually there is some banter, jokes, new songs, throwback songs, and games. My favorite is when they throw a question out and people call or text to answer it. Last week the question was more thought provoking than normal for me.

“What would you tell your 13-year-old self?” Continue reading “A Letter to My 13-Year-Old Self”

Glasses Slipping? Been There, Found A Solution!

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Glasses… I’m so grateful I have them and hate that I have to have them.

I got glasses in fifth grade and contacts before seventh grade. I didn’t get another pair of glasses until I was 20. Not even spare/back-up ones. That’s how much I hate them. But they are necessary. Sometimes my contacts irritate my eyes or I only get a few hours of sleep and can’t wear contacts 20+ hours a day for days on end.

While I hate feeling like I’m in a fishbowl, I especially hate how my glasses will not stay on my face! Continue reading “Glasses Slipping? Been There, Found A Solution!”