Glasses Slipping? Been There, Found A Solution!

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Glasses… I’m so grateful I have them and hate that I have to have them.

I got glasses in fifth grade and contacts before seventh grade. I didn’t get another pair of glasses until I was 20. Not even spare/back-up ones. That’s how much I hate them. But they are necessary. Sometimes my contacts irritate my eyes or I only get a few hours of sleep and can’t wear contacts 20+ hours a day for days on end.

While I hate feeling like I’m in a fishbowl, I especially hate how my glasses will not stay on my face!

This is especially a problem when I’m doing anything physical… exercising, working at my warehouse job a few years ago, or even just cleaning the house or leaning down to get the laundry out of the dryer.

Every time I get new glasses I end up back at the eye doctor two or three or four times getting them adjusted. The people in the store heat and bend the arms on my glasses and have me try them on. I look down, shake my head, feel silly, and guess that they are fine. Then I go home and find out they are not fine. If you have glasses, you know what I mean.

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve never actually had my glasses fit the way I want them to. I’ve looked up ways to keep glasses on, and the only real solution I’ve found are Keepons. They are simple and cheap (seriously, three pair for just a few bucks!), and there are several options.



Honestly, they are TOTALLY worth a try.

I do recommend getting several pair. They are nice and squishy at first but tend to harden and yellow over time, at least in my experience. I recently replaced mine and used a knife to cut the old ones off.

They can be a little tricky to get over the thicker ends of the glasses arms, but when they are new and stretchy, they do just fine.

I’ve tried two different styles and really prefer the ones pictured. I still have to adjust them occasionally so they are comfortable behind my ears. I’ve also noticed if I make my glasses too tight on my face, my nose starts to hurt and get red marks. Still, for me, it is better to have to adjust sometimes than have constant headaches and frustration from glasses sliding down my nose!

What ways have you tried to get glasses to stay on your face?