Breast Isn’t Always Best: Giving Up Pumping

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When I was pregnant with my first baby, I didn’t give the whole breast milk versus formula debate a lot of thought. I had really only been exposed to formula, but I figured breastfeeding was worth a try. After three excruciatingly painful months (that I don’t know how I got through), I loved it. Continue reading “Breast Isn’t Always Best: Giving Up Pumping”

G-Tube Mistakes

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I was a little overwhelmed taking my son home from the hospital four days after his G-Tube was placed. Not only was I worried about taking care of the tube site and feeding him with a pump, but he was 5 weeks old, less than 6 pounds, and had spent his whole life in the NICU.

I was bound to make a few mistakes. Here are just a few that maybe someone can learn from:

Continue reading “G-Tube Mistakes”

5 Tips for Exclusive Pumpers

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There are a lot of reasons you might exclusively pump, and each reason will have it’s own set of circumstances. For me, it was the NICU. Then my baby came home on a g-tube unable to have anything by mouth, so I continued to exclusively pump for several months.

Some days I enjoyed pumping. Some days I hated it. Some days it was a nice break. Some days it was a nuisance. I never expected to exclusively pump. In fact, I breastfed my first for 20 months without ever using a pump. This time has been very different. Continue reading “5 Tips for Exclusive Pumpers”