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I guess I wasn’t the typical tween girl obsessed with makeup and hair and shaving my legs. For the longest time I only wore base. Maybe a little eye shadow here and there. I did streak my hair blond every 4-6 months, but I didn’t do anything fancy with it. I never blow dried it and didn’t even try straightening or curling it until my senior year of high school. And I know for a fact I was way behind on the whole shaving my legs thing. I had friends who shaved for over a year before I even started worrying about it.
Now, it may sound like I’m not the kind of person to take beauty advice from. I don’t blame you. But consider this: at 28 years old, the following two products are what have finally turned things around for me.
I started plucking my eyebrows just last year. I was preparing for LASIK and knew I wouldn’t be wearing much makeup for awhile, so I was trying to do what I could to look better. However, I just couldn’t stand plucking my mustache or the witchy hairs growing out of my “beauty mark.” When I heard about these facial razors, I immediately ordered them. I use one on my whole face about once a week. They aren’t sharp. They don’t make my hair grow in thicker. They are painless and easily get rid of those pesky hairs I can’t handle plucking!
I’ve also never been great about washing my face. Back in those tween years I wanted to be like the girls in the commercials who splashed water up on their face and looked beautiful. Yeah, real life isn’t like that. That makes a mess and doesn’t really clean your face. For most of my teenage years I just went to bed with my makeup on and reapplied where needed after my shower the next morning. I know, I was terrible!
When I headed off to college, I started using Neutrogena makeup removing wipes. They are awesome! But that’s all I did, and I knew my pores weren’t very clean. I found this pore vacuum last year, and it is a game changer. I was slightly disappointed at first because while it sucked out a fair amount of gunk, it didn’t get everything like I had hoped.
Newsflash: It’s important to follow the instructions!
As soon as I started cleaning my pores while still in the steamy bathroom after splashing my face with hot water in the shower, I started getting amazing results. I cannot believe the gunk I get out of my pores every few days.
Between saying goodbye to my mustache fuzz and witchy hairs and finally deep cleaning my face, I have started to feel better about myself. I have even started shaving my legs everyday and curling my eyelashes. Who’d have thought?!