Why I Didn’t Do Anything About My Postpartum Depression

***This is my experience with PPD and my own opinions. I wrote this to get my feelings out. To maybe let someone else know they aren’t the only one feeling this way. To maybe help someone understand their loved one going through PPD.***

(I wrote this a few years ago and finally have the courage to post it. I have since started therapy and changed antidepressants and doses several times. My depression is an ongoing battle.)

I have been coping with postpartum depression for over three years now. I started treating it after my son turned two and added a medication at the end of my second pregnancy. Going on antidepressants was one of the best decisions of my life, but it took me a long time to get to that point. I still have hard days. Sometimes I find myself staring at the wall while my toddler plays and my baby sleeps in my arms, and I’m numb. I have flashbacks to what it was like. I can’t believe I lived like that for so long. Continue reading “Why I Didn’t Do Anything About My Postpartum Depression”

Recovering from the C-Section I’d Dreaded

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I don’t know a lot of people who plan on having a c-section. For most people, it isn’t ideal. For me, the thought of a c-section was terrifying.

My first child was born vaginally. I got to the hospital at 9.5 cm, got an epidural, and had a baby two hours later. I had no reason to expect a c-section the second time. I felt like I should research c-section recovery but didn’t. I don’t known that I really would have wanted to know what to expect, but if you’ve had a c-section, know you’ll be getting one, or just want to be prepared, here are some tips. Continue reading “Recovering from the C-Section I’d Dreaded”

Mistakes From My First Year of Motherhood

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I’ve made a lot of mistakes as a mother. I’m pretty sure we all do. The thing is, there is no exact right way. What works for one person won’t work for another. My “mistakes” have taught me a lot and have gotten me to where I am as a mother. If I went back and did it all again, I’d probably make a lot of the same mistakes because I was doing what worked until it didn’t or what I thought was best.

However, there are some lessons to be learned from my mistakes…

Continue reading “Mistakes From My First Year of Motherhood”

The One Thing Saving My Sanity With Baby #2

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When I had my first baby, I spent hour after hour holding him and rocking him and reading while he slept in my arms. I cherish such times so much more with my second because, well, toddlers are busy. I can’t sit and hold my new baby all day, even when he needs to be held to sleep more than 15 minutes straight.

So, the one thing that is saving me this time around is babywearing. I was skeptical with my first. I tried it, but I just felt pregnant again. I couldn’t move as much as I wanted. Couldn’t lean over. Not to mention the fact that I was way too stressed about teaching him to sleep in his crib. Besides, I had the time to sit and hold him in my arms when I needed to. By the time I was pregnant with my second, I knew I had to give babywearing another go. Continue reading “The One Thing Saving My Sanity With Baby #2”

C-Section Essentials

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I didn’t expect to have a c-section. For some reason I thought that would never be me. So I never thought much of it. I knew recovery would be difficult, but I had no idea what it would really be like or what I would need. Here are the top most useful things for my c-section recovery. Continue reading “C-Section Essentials”

Losing the Weight Without Depriving Myself

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Throwback to when I lost nearly 40 pounds in 9 months! Now, after two babies and barely any weight loss between pregnancies, I’m trying to lose weight again. I’ve been struggling to stay motivated, but I’ve done it before, so I know I can do it again. Continue reading “Losing the Weight Without Depriving Myself”

5 Tips for Exclusive Pumpers

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There are a lot of reasons you might exclusively pump, and each reason will have it’s own set of circumstances. For me, it was the NICU. Then my baby came home on a g-tube unable to have anything by mouth, so I continued to exclusively pump for several months.

Some days I enjoyed pumping. Some days I hated it. Some days it was a nice break. Some days it was a nuisance. I never expected to exclusively pump. In fact, I breastfed my first for 20 months without ever using a pump. This time has been very different. Continue reading “5 Tips for Exclusive Pumpers”