My All-Time Favorite Amazon Orders

This post contains affiliate links. I get commissions for purchases made through these links.

I love ordering things online! It’s twice the excitement as shopping in a store because I get to enjoy picking something out and then getting it in the mail!

On the other hand, I am picky about what I’m willing to pay shipping for, so I only order things I’m fairly sure I’ll like. I thought it might be fun to share some of my favorite Amazon buys from the last two years or so.

Continue reading “My All-Time Favorite Amazon Orders”

I Found My Perfect Diaper Bag

This post contains affiliate links. I get commissions for purchases made through these links.

Every woman is searching for that perfect bag or purse. Year after year, bag after bag, they learn what they like and what works best. Has anyone found the perfect purse yet? Cause I sure haven’t. Now throw diaper bags into the mix.

You have a baby, and your purse days typically go out the window for a few years. You have to start all over trying to find the perfect diaper bag, and if you only need it for a few years, you may never find it. It might not seem like it’s worth the effort to find it. Continue reading “I Found My Perfect Diaper Bag”