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Like most parents, when I had my first baby, I wasn’t sure what I would really need. I had an idea, of course. I had expectations of what would be the most helpful. I also had things I flat out wanted to have just because.
Now a few years and two kids into this mom thing, I have a better idea of what I, personally, use most. Here are a few ideas if you are trying to decide what is worth getting:
I LOVE my Boppy! When I was pregnant with my second, I seriously considered getting a second Boppy so I could have one on each floor of the house. It was invaluable when I was breastfeeding but useful for so many other things as well.
I have used it to prop the baby up while I do laundry next to him. I have used it for tummy time so he can see a picture or toy in front of him better. I have used it to support my new sitter so he would have a soft place to fall. Most of all, I have spent countless hours holding my babies with my Boppy propped underneath them. As a sleep-deprived mom, it has given me comfort. I can’t tell you how many times I fell asleep breastfeeding my one year old. Thank goodness he was on the Boppy!
Car Seat Cover
There are so many cute car seat covers available! They add a little personality, but they are also so useful. Newborns aren’t used to sunlight or wind or rain or snow. No matter what season your baby is born during, it is great to be able to keep them covered outside and in public. Covers can keep nosey people from getting too close, and they can keep germs away. They are also easy to wash!
***I do want to note that it is not recommended to keep baby covered for an extended period of time when outside in the heat.***
Sound Machine
I always thought you should just be loud and let your baby get used to the noise. How naive was I? Turns out I was scared to flush the toilet during naptime until way past my first was two. It just was not worth waking him! Now I feel you should let baby get used to some noise, but a sound machine is still so worth the money.
Not only does it help cover any loud noises you might make throughout the house, but it also provides a soothing comfort for baby to fall asleep to. We have taken it camping and to hotels, and it was like bringing a piece of home with us. It was familiar.
This is one of the things I went back and forth on when I was pregnant. I mean, I do have a perfectly good couch. And gliders and rocking chairs can be expensive. But because of the way my house is set up, there wasn’t anywhere to sit upstairs. The thought of walking up and down the stairs with the baby to sit on the couch to feed him several times a night was enough to convince me I needed a glider. Boy have I been glad I have one.
Babies eat and sleep. You usually have to sit down to feed them, and I don’t know about everyone else, but when my baby will only sleep in my arms, I like a comfy place to sit while he naps. Also, get the foot rest. Trust me.
Vibrating Rocker Chair
When I’m not feeding, playing with, or holding my baby, I often use our awesome vibrating rocker chair (I have no idea what it’s real name is!). It is great because I can move it from room to room. It has two positions so it can rock or be in a flatter position. It also vibrates, which is soothing, and it has toys that hang down for baby to see.
I use this chair in the kitchen while I make dinner and in the bathroom while I get ready or have to shower when the baby is awake. I set him in it while I make a bottle or when I have to bathe my toddler. I could put the baby on a blanket, and sometimes do, but the chair provides less of a shock factor when I put him down. He doesn’t feel like he’s falling. I also trust my toddler around the baby more when he is in the chair. Less of a hazard, if you know what I mean.
There are a lot of awesome baby items out there, and what works for one family doesn’t work as well for another. But if you’re just starting out, I highly recommend these purchases! What other things have been super helpful for you?